Names starting with F
Friday, May 20, 2011
Baby Names starting with F
Name | Meanings | Gender | Origin |
Fabian | Bean Grower | Male | Italian |
Fabiana | Bean Farmer | Female | Italian |
Fabiano | Bean Farmer | Male | Italian |
Fabienne | Bean Grower | Female | French |
Fabio | Bean Farmer | Male | Latin |
Fabiola | Bean Grower | Female | Italian |
Fabrizio | One With Skillful Hands | Male | Latin |
Fabunni | God Has Given Me This | Male | African |
Fadey | Courageous | Male | Slavic |
Fai | Brilliant Light | Male | Chinese |
Fairfax | Fair Haired | Male | English |
Fairly | The Far Meadow | Male/Female | English |
Faith | To Trust | Female | Latin |
Falala | Born In Abundance | Female | African |
Fallon | Of A Ruling Family | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fanchon | Free, Whimsical | Female | Hebrew |
Fancy | Decorated | Female | English |
Faolan | Wolf | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fareeda | Unique | Female | Arabic |
Farica | Chief Of Peace | Female | German |
Faris | Horseman/Knight | Male | Arabic |
Farley | From The Bull Pasture | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Farrah | Delightful | Female | English |
Farrell | Of Proven Courage | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Farren | Wanderer | Male/Female | English |
Farsiris | Princess | Female | Persian |
Fathi | Victory | Male | Arabic |
Fathia | Victory | Female | Arabic |
Fatima | Daughter Of The Prophet | Female | Arabic |
Fauna | Goddess Of Fertility | Female | Greek |
Faunia | Young Deer | Female | Latin |
Faunus | God Of Forests | Male/Female | Latin |
Fausta | Fortunate | Female | Italian |
Faustine | Lucky | Female | Italian |
Fausto | Lucky | Male | Spanish |
Faustus | Lucky | Male | Greek |
Fauve | Wild And Uninhibited | Female | French |
Favian | Brave Man | Male | Latin |
Fawn | Young Deer | Female | French |
Fawzi | Winner | Male | Arabic |
Fawzia | Winner | Female | Arabic |
Faxon | Thick-Haired | Male | Latin |
Fay | Fairy Or Elf | Female | French |
Faye | Fairy Or Elf | Female | French |
Faylinn | Fairy Kingdom | Female | English |
Fayola | Walks With Honor | Female | African |
Fayre | Beautiful | Female | English |
Fearghus | Strong Man | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fedella | From Fedelia Or Fidel-Faithful | Female | Latin |
Federico | Peaceful Ruler | Male | Spanish |
Fedora | Divine Gift | Female | Greek |
Feivel | God Assists | Male | Hebrew |
Feleti | Peace | Male | Italian |
Felice | Fortunate, Happy | Female | Latin |
Felicia | Happiness | Female | Latin |
Felicity | Happiness | Female | Latin |
Felix | Happy And Prosperous | Male | Latin |
Fell | A Field | Male | English |
Felton | Town In A Field | Male | English |
Femi | Love | Female | Egyptian |
Fenella | Fair | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Feng | Maple Or Phoenix | Female | Chinese |
Fennella | White Shoulder | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Feo | Ugly | Male | Spanish |
Feoras | Smooth Rock | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ferdinand | To Be Courageous | Male | German |
Fergal | Man Of Strength | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fergus | Manly | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ferguson | Son Of Fergus | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fern | A Fern Plant Or See Ferdinand | Female | English |
Fernando | Daring, Adventurous | Male | Spanish |
Ferris | Iron Worker | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ferrol | Iron Ring | Male | English |
Feryal | Beauty Of Light | Female | Arabic |
Feryl | All Nationalities | ||
Fews | Woods | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fia | Weaver | Female | Portuguese |
Fiachra | Irish Saint | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fico | A Fig | Male | Italian |
Fidel | Faithful | Male | Latin |
Fidelia | Faithful | Female | Spanish |
Fidelina | Little Faithful One | Female | Spanish |
Fidelio | Faithful | Male | Italian |
Fidella | Faithful | Female | Latin |
Field | A Field | Male | English |
Fifi | He Shall Add | Female | French |
Filbert | Brilliant | Male | English |
Filia | Friendship | Female | Greek |
Filipina | Lover Of Horses | Female | Polish |
Findlay | Blond-Haired Soldier | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fineen | Fair Offspring | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finlay | Blond-Haired Soldier | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finley | Fair Haired One | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finn | Fair | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finna | Fair | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finnea | Wood Of The Ford | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Finola | White Haired | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fiona | White, Fair | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fionan | Fair | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fionn | From Fiona | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fionnuala | Fair Shoulders | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fionnula | From The Name Fiona | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fiorella | Little Flower | Female | Italian |
Fiorello | Little Floewr | Male | Italian |
Fiorenza | Flower | Female | Italian |
Fisk | A Fish | Male | English |
Fisseha | Happiness, Joy | Female | African |
Fitzwilliam | Son Of William | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Flan | From Flannery | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Flann | Son Of The Red-Haired Man | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Flannerry | African | ||
Flannery | Flat Land | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Flavian | Yellow, Blonde | Male | Greek |
Fleta | Swift | Female | English |
Fletcher | Arrow Maker | Male | English |
Fleur | From The Name Florence | Female | French |
Flint | Hard Quartz Rock | Male | English |
Flo | From The Name Florence | Female | Latin |
Flora | Flowering | Female | Latin |
Floramaria | Flower Of Mary | Female | Spanish |
Florence | Prosperous, Flowering | Female | Latin |
Floria | Flowering | Female | Latin |
Floriane | Flowering | Female | Latin |
Florida | Flowering | Female | Spanish |
Florrie | From The Name Florence | Female | Latin |
Flower | From The Name Florence | Female | Latin |
Floyd | The Hollow | Male | Welsh |
Flynn | Heir To The Redheaded | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fola | Honor | Female | African |
Fonda | The Earth, Grounded | Female | Spanish |
Forbes | Prosperous | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ford | River Crossing | Male | English |
Fordon | To Destroy | Male | English |
Forest | From The Woods | Male/Female | English |
Forever | Never Ending | Female | American |
Forrest | Of The Woods, Forest | Male | English |
Forrester | Of The Forest | Male | English |
Forster | From The Name Forrester | Male | English |
Fortune | Given To Luck | Male | French |
Foster | From The Name Forrest | Male | English |
Fountain | A Spring | Male/Female | French |
Fox | A Fox | Male | English |
Foy | A Journey | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Fraley | Friar | Male | English |
Fran | Free | Male/Female | Latin |
Frances | Free | Female | Latin |
Francesca | Free | Female | Latin |
Francine | Form Of Frances | Female | French |
Francis | Free | Male | Latin |
Francisco | Free Land | Male | Spanish |
Francois | Free | Male | French |
Frank | Free | Male | Latin |
Franklin | Free Man | Male | English |
Franz | Free | Male | German |
Frasier | Stawberry | Male | English |
Frayne | Ash Tree | Male | English |
Fred | Peaceful Ruler | Male | German |
Freddy | From The Name Frederick | Male | German |
Frederica | From The Name Fredrica | Female | German |
Frederick | Peaceful Ruler | Male | German |
Fredrica | Peace | Female | German |
Fredricka | Peaceful Ruler | Female | German |
Freed | Form Of Frederick | Male | English |
Freeman | Free Man | Male | English |
Freira | Sister | Female | Spanish |
Freja | Norse Goddess Of Love | Female | Scandinavian |
Fremont | Freedom Mountain | Male | English |
French | From France | Male/Female | American |
Frey | God Of Weather | Male | Scandinavian |
Freya | Goddess Of Love, Fertility And Beauty | Female | Scandinavian |
Frieda | Peace, Joy | Female | German |
Fritz | Contraction Of Frederick | Male | German |
Fritzi | From The Name Freida | Female | German |
Fruma | One Who Is Religious | Female | Hebrew |
Frye | Seed, Offspring | Male | English |
Fulbright | Very Light | Male | English |
Fuller | Occupational Surname | Male | English |
Fynn | Form Of Finn | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
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