Names starting with R
Friday, May 20, 2011
Baby Names starting with R
Name | Meanings | Gender | Origin |
Raanan | Fresh, New | Male | Hebrew |
Rabia | Spring | Male/Female | African |
Race | Running Competition | Male | English |
Rach | Frog | Male/Female | African |
Rachael | Innocent Lamb | Female | Hebrew |
Rachana | Creation | Female | Hindi |
Rachel | Innocent Lamb | Female | Hebrew |
Rachelle | Lamb | Female | French |
Rad | Advisor | Male | English |
Radha | A Forite Friend Of The God Krishna | Female | Hindi |
Radley | Red Meadow | Male | English |
Radwan | Delight | Male | Hebrew |
Rae | Wise Protection Feminine Of Raymond | Female | German |
Raeanne | Graceful Lamb | Female | American |
Raechel | Innocent Lamb | Female | Hebrew |
Rafael | From The Name Raphael | Male | Spanish |
Rafe | Form Of Ralph | Male | English |
Rafer | Wealthy | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Raffaello | Basis For Name Raphael | Male | Italian |
Rafferty | Wealthy | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rafi | Exalted | Male | Arabic |
Rafiki | Friend | Male/Female | African |
Raghnall | Wise And Powerful | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Raheem | Compassionate | Male | Arabic |
Raimi | Compassionate | Male | African |
Rain | Abundant Blessings From Above | Male/Female | American |
Raina | Peaceful, Queen | Female | Spanish |
Raine | Wise Ruler | Male/Female | English |
Rainer | Advisor | Male | German |
Raisa | Rose | Female | Russian |
Raisie | Diminiative Of Rose | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Raja | Hope | Female | Hindi |
Raleigh | Field Of Birds | Male/Female | English |
Ralph | Wolf Counselor | Male | English |
Ram | Godlike | Male | Hindi |
Rami | Sniper | Male | Arabic |
Ramiro | Supreme Judge | Male | Portuguese |
Ramla | Prophet | Female | Swahili |
Ramon | From The Name Raymond | Male | Spanish |
Ramona | Protector | Female | Latin |
Ramses | Sun Born | Male | African |
Ramya | Beautiful | Female | Hindi |
Ranae | Ressurected | Male/Female | French |
Rance | Short For Laurence | Male | English |
Randall | From The Name Ralph | Male | English |
Randi | Wolf Shield | Male/Female | English |
Randilyn | Protected Waterfall | Female | American |
Randolph | Wolf With A Shield | Male | English |
Randy | From The Name Randolph | Male | English |
Rane | Queen | Female | Hindi |
Ranee | Queen | Female | Hindi |
Ranger | Forest Protector | Male | French |
Rangle | Cowboy | Male | American |
Rangsey | Seven Colors | Male | Cambodian |
Rania | Queen | Female | Hindi |
Ranit | Song | Female | Hebrew |
Raphael | God Has Healed | Male | Hebrew |
Raphaela | Feminine Form Of Raphael | Female | Hebrew |
Raquel | From The Name Rachel | Female | Spanish |
Rasha | Young Gazelle | Female | Arabic |
Rashid | Guided By God | Female | Swahili |
Rashida | Righteous | Female | Turkish |
Rasia | Queen | Female | Polish |
Ratana | Crystal | Female | Thai |
Raul | Wolf Counselor | Male | Spanish |
Raven | Blackbrid | Female | English |
Ravi | Sun | Male | Hindi |
Ray | Wise Protector | Male | English |
Raymond | Wise Protection | Male | German |
Rayya | No Longer Thirsty | Female | Arabic |
Razi | Secret | Female | Hebrew |
Raziya | Agreeable, Good-Natured | Female | Swahili |
Rea | Brook | Female | English |
Read | Red-Haired | Male | English |
Reagan | Son Of The Small Ruler | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Reba | From The Name Rebecca | Female | Hebrew |
Rebecca | Servant Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Rebekah | Bound | Female | Hebrew |
Rebekkah | To Tie Or Bind | Female | Hebrew |
Red | Redheaded One, Or Diminutive Of Redmond | Male/Female | American |
Reda | Satisfied | Male/Female | Arabic |
Redell | Red Meadow | Male/Female | English |
Redford | Over The Red River | Male/Female | English |
Reece | Stream | Male | English |
Reed | A Reed Or Red Haired | Male/Female | English |
Reegan | One Who Rules | Male/Female | American |
Reese | Enthusiastic | Male/Female | Welsh |
Reeves | Steward | Male | English |
Regan | King's Heir | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Reggie | Advisor To The King | Male/Female | German |
Regina | Queen | Female | Latin |
Reginald | Advisor To The King | Male | German |
Regis | Rules | Male | Latin |
Rehan | Flower | Female | Armenian |
Reia | Queen | Female | Spanish |
Reid | Red Headed | Male/Female | English |
Reidar | Warrior | Male | Scandinavian |
Reilly | A Small Stream | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Reina | Peaceful, Queen | Female | Spanish |
Remedy | Cure | Male/Female | American |
Remi | From Reims | Male/Female | All Nationalities |
Remington | Town Of The Raven | Male | English |
Remy | From Rheims | Male/Female | French |
Ren | Arranger | Male/Female | Japanese |
Rena | Joy | Female | Hebrew |
Renata | Born Anew | Female | French |
Renate | Reborn | Male/Female | French |
Rendor | Police Officer | Male | Hungarian |
Rene | Reborn | Male | French |
Renee | Reborn | Female | French |
Renny | Compact Strength | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Reth | King | Male | African |
Reuben | Behold - A Son | Male | Hebrew |
Reuel | Friend Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Revelin | Form Of Roland | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rex | King | Male | Latin |
Rey | King | Male/Female | French |
Reya | Queen | Female | Spanish |
Reyna | Peaceful, Queen | Female | Spanish |
Reynard | Fox | Male | French |
Reynold | King's Advisor | Male | English |
Reza | Reaper | Female | Slavic |
Rhaxma | Sweet | Female | African |
Rhea | Rivers | Female | Greek |
Rhett | A Stream | Male | Welsh |
Rhian | Magic Maiden | Female | Welsh |
Rhiannon | Witch-Nymph-Goddess | Female | Welsh |
Rhoda | Roses - From Rhodes | Female | Greek |
Rhodes | Field Of Roses | Male/Female | Greek |
Rhona | Powerful, Mighty | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rhonda | Powerful River | Female | Greek |
Rhoslyn | Lovely Rose | Female | Welsh |
Rhoswen | White Rose | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rhys | A Stream | Male/Female | Welsh |
Rianna | Sweet Basil, Virtuous | Female | Welsh |
Rianne | From John | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ricardo | From The Name Richard | Male | Spanish |
Rich | Powerful, Rich Ruler | Male | English |
Richard | Powerful, Rich Ruler | Male | English |
Richelle | Feminine Form Of Richard | Female | French |
Rick | Powerful, Rich | Male | English |
Ricky | Powerful, Rich | American | |
Rico | Strong Ruler | Male | Spanish |
Rida | Accept And Obey | Male | Arabic |
Rider | Farmer | Male/Female | English |
Rigg | Lives Near The Ridge | Male/Female | English |
Riley | A Small Stream | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rimona | Pomegranate | Female | Hebrew |
Rin | Park | Male/Female | Japanese |
Ringo | Apple | Male | Japanese |
Rio | River | Male | Spanish |
Riona | Queenlike | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Riordan | Royal Poet | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Risa | Laughter | Female | Latin |
Rita | From Margarita | Female | Spanish |
Riva | Bound, Riverbank | Female | Hebrew |
River | From The River | Male/Female | American |
Rivka | Servant Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Roana | Reddish-Brown Skin | Female | Spanish |
Rob | Bright Fame | Male | English |
Robbin | Famous Brilliance | Male/Female | English |
Robert | Bright Fame | Male | English |
Roberta | Bright Fame, Brilliant | Female | English |
Roberto | Bright Fame | Spanish | |
Robin | Famous Brilliance | Male/Female | English |
Robyn | From The Name Robin | Female | English |
Rocco | Rest | Male | German |
Roch | Glory | Female | German |
Rochelle | A Rock | Female | French |
Rocio | Dewdrops | Male/Female | Italian |
Rock | A Rock | Male | American |
Rockwell | From The Rocky Spring | Male | English |
Rocky | From The Rocks | Male | American |
Rod | Land Near The Water | Male | English |
Rodd | From The Name Rodney | Male | English |
Roddy | From The Name Rodney | Male | English |
Roden | Red Valley | Male | English |
Roderick | Famous Ruler | Male | German |
Rodney | Land Near The Water | Male | English |
Roger | Fame Spear | Male | German |
Rohan | Sandalwood | Male | Hindi |
Roho | Soul | Male | African |
Roja | Red | Female | Spanish |
Roland | Famed Throughout The Land | Male | German |
Rolando | Famed Throughout The Land | Female | Latin |
Rolf | Wolf | Male | Scandinavian |
Rollin | Wolf | Male/Female | English |
Rollo | Famous In The Land | Male | English |
Romaine | From Rome | Female | Latin |
Roman | Of Rome | Male/Female | Latin |
Romeo | Of The Romans | Male | Latin |
Romney | Winding River | Male | Welsh |
Romy | From The City Of Rome | Male/Female | Latin |
Ron | Advisor To The King | Male | English |
Rona | Sea | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ronald | Advisor To The King | Male | English |
Ronalee | From Rona And Lee | Female | American |
Ronan | Little Seal | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ronat | Seal | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ronda | Grand | Female | Welsh |
Rong | Glory | Male/Female | Chinese |
Ronia | My Joy Is The Lord | Female | Latin |
Ronli | Joy Is Mine | Female | Hebrew |
Ronna | From The Name Veronica | Female | Latin |
Ronni | From Ronli - Joyful | Female | Hebrew |
Ronnie | From The Name Veronica | Male/Female | Latin |
Ronny | True Image | Male/Female | Latin |
Roosevelt | Field Of Roses | Male | Scandinavian |
Rory | Famous Ruler, Red | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ros | Rose Colored | Female | American |
Rosa | Rose, Pink | Female | Latin |
Rosalba | White Rose | Female | Latin |
Rosalia | Rose Garlands | Female | Spanish |
Rosalie | From Rose And Lee | Female | English |
Rosalind | Fair Rose | Female | Spanish |
Rosaline | Fair Rose ( Of Rosalind) | Female | Spanish |
Rosalyn | Fair Rose | Female | Spanish |
Rosamund | A Garden Of Flowers | Female | German |
Roscoe | Deer Forest | Male | Scandinavian |
Rose | Of The Rose Blossom | Female | Greek |
Roseanne | Graceful Rose | Female | Greek |
Rosemarie | Bitter Flower | Female | French |
Rosemary | Bitter Rose | Female | English |
Roshaun | Shining Light | Male | African-American |
Rosie | Like A Rose | Female | American |
Rosina | Little Rose | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rosine | Little Rose-From Rozene | Female | Native American |
Ross | Peninsula | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rossa | Beautiful Flower | Female | Latin |
Rowa | Lovely Vision | Female | Arabic |
Rowan | Tree With Red Berries, Mountain Ash | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rowdy | Loud, Spirited | Male/Female | American |
Rowena | Fair Haired | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Roxanne | Graceful Rose | Female | Latin |
Roxy | Rosy | Female | American |
Roy | King | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Royal | Of The King | Male/Female | English |
Royce | Son Of The King | Male | French |
Roz | From The Name Rosalind | Female | Spanish |
Roza | Rose | Female | Polish |
Rozalia | A Rose | Female | Hungarian |
Rozene | A Rose | Female | Native American |
Ruana | Musical Instrument | Female | Hindi |
Rubaina | Bright | Female | Hindi |
Ruben | Behold - A Son | Male | Spanish |
Ruby | A Ruby Jewel | Female | English |
Rudolph | Famous Wolf | Male | German |
Rudy | From The Name Rudolph | Male | German |
Rue | Herb Of Grace | Female | Greek |
Rufina | Red-Haired | Female | Italian |
Rufus | Redhead | Male | Latin |
Ruggiero | Famous Warrior | Male | Italian |
Rumer | A Gypsy | Male/Female | Slavic |
Rumor | Falsity | Male/Female | American |
Rune | A Secret | Male/Female | German |
Rupali | Beautiful | Female | Hindi |
Rupert | Bright Fame | Male | French |
Russ | From The Name Russell | Male | French |
Russell | Red Head | Male | French |
Russom | Head, Boss | Male | African |
Rusti | Red Head | Male/Female | French |
Rusty | Red Headed | Male/Female | American |
Ruth | A Companion, Friendship | Female | Hebrew |
Ryan | Young Royalty | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ryann | Little Leader | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ryder | Horseman | Male/Female | English |
Ryland | From The Rye Land | Male/Female | English |
Rylee | From Riley | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Rylie | Valient | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ryo | River | Male/Female | American |
Ryu | Dragon | Male | Japanese |
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