Names starting with B
Friday, May 20, 2011
Baby Names starting with B
Name | Meanings | Gender | Origin |
Baba | Born On Thursday | Female | African |
Baback | Loving Father | Male | Persian |
Babette | From The Name Elizabeth | Female | French |
Baby | Baby | Male/Female | English |
Bach Yen | White | Female | Vietnamese |
Bade | Full Moon | Male | All Nationalities |
Badu | Tenth Born Child | Female | African |
Baeddan | Boar | Male | Welsh |
Bahari | Sea Man | Male | African |
Bailey | Bailiff, Steward | Male/Female | English |
Baina | Sparkling | Female | African |
Baird | Minstrel, Poet | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bairn | Child, Born | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Baka | Crane | Female | Hindi |
Bal | Baby with a full head of hair | Male | Hindi |
Baldasarre | Brave One | Male | Italian |
Balin | Knights Of The Round Table | Male | English |
Ballard | Brave | Male | German |
Ballari | Walking Quietly | Female | Hindi |
Balthasar | One Of The 3 Kings | Male | Greek |
Bambi | Child | Female | Italian |
Ban | Not Available | Male | Vietnamese |
Banagher | Pointed Hill | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bandele | Born Away From Home | Female | African |
Banji | Second Born Of Twins | Male/Female | African |
Banyan | The Banyan Tree | Male | English |
Bao | To Order, To Bid | Male | Vietnamese |
Baqer | Man Of Knowledge | Male | Arabic |
Barak | Lightning | Male | Hebrew |
Barb | Stranger | Female | Latin |
Barbara | Stranger | Female | Latin |
Barbie | From The Name Barbara | Female | American |
Barbod | Hero | Male | Persian |
Barbra | Stranger | Female | Latin |
Barclay | Meadow Of The Birch Tree | Male | English |
Bardia | The Prince | Male | Persian |
Barid | Clouid | Male | Hindi |
Barke | Blessings | Male | African |
Barnabas | Son Of A Missionary | Male | Greek |
Barnard | From The Name Bernard | Male | German |
Barney | From The Name Bernard | Male | English |
Barny | From The Name Bernard | Male | German |
Baron | Noble Man | Male | German |
Barr | Lawyer | Male/Female | English |
Barrett | Strength Of A Bear | Male/Female | German |
Barrington | Town Of Barr | Male | English |
Barry | Marksman | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bart | Son Of Tolmai | Male | Hebrew |
Barth | Son Of Tolmai | Male | Hebrew |
Bartholemew | Hill, Furrow | Male | Hebrew |
Bartholomew | Son Of Tolmai | Male | Hebrew |
Barto | Hill, Furrow | Male | Spanish |
Barton | Barley Farm | Male | English |
Baruch | Blessed | Male | Hebrew |
Bary | Marksman | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Base | The Short One | Male | English |
Bash | Forerunner | Male | African |
Basil | Like A King | Male | Greek |
Bast | Of The City Of Bubastis | Male | African |
Bastien | Venerable, Revered | Male | French |
Bat | Short For Bartholomew | Male | American |
Bathsheba | Seventh Daughter | Female | Hebrew |
Baxter | A Baker | Male | English |
Bayard | With Red-Brown Hair | Male | French |
Bayle | Beautiful | Male/Female | American |
Baylee | Bailiff | Male/Female | English |
Bazyli | Kingly | Male | Polish |
Bea | Blessed | Female | American |
Beata | One Who Brings Joy | Female | Latin |
Beate | One Who Brings Joy | Female | Latin |
Beatrice | Bringer Of Joy | Female | French |
Beatrix | Bringer Of Joy | Female | English |
Beatriz | Brings Joy | Female | Latin |
Beau | Beautiful, Handsome | Male | French |
Beauregard | Beautiful, Handsome | Male | French |
Bebe | Baby | Female | French |
Becca | Bound | Female | Hebrew |
Beck | The Brook | Male | English |
Becka | From The Name Rebecca | Female | Hebrew |
Becky | Bound | Female | Hebrew |
Bedros | Stone | Male | Greek |
Bel | Sacred Wood | Male/Female | Hindi |
Bela | She Of Fair Skin | Female | Slavic |
Belay | Above, Superior | Male | African |
Belden | From The Fair Valley | Male | French |
Belicia | Dedicated To God | Female | Spanish |
Belinda | Beautiful | Female | Spanish |
Belisma | River Goddess | Female | English |
Belita | Beautiful | Female | Spanish |
Bell | Beautiful | Male/Female | French |
Bella | Beautiful | Female | Latin |
Belle | Beauty | Female | French |
Bellini | From The Name Belle | Female | Italian |
Bellona | Goddess Of War | Female | Latin |
Belva | Beautiful View | Female | Latin |
Ben | Son Of | Male | Hebrew |
Benard | From Bernard | Male | French |
Bendek | Blessed | Male | Polish |
Benecia | Blessed | Female | Latin |
Benedict | Blessed | Male | Latin |
Benicio | Benevolent One | Spanish | |
Benita | Good Person | Female | Latin |
Benito | Blessed | Male | Italian |
Benjamin | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Benjy | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Bennett | Little Blessed One | Male/Female | Latin |
Benny | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Benson | Son Of Benjamin | Male | Hebrew |
Berdine | Bright Maiden | Female | Greek |
Berenice | Victorious | Female | English |
Berg | Mountain | Male | German |
Berit | Glorious, Intelligent | Female | German |
Berke | Birch Tree | Male | English |
Bern | Brave | Male/Female | French |
Bernadette | Brave As A Bear | Female | French |
Bernadine | From The Name Bernard | Female | French |
Bernard | Bold As A Bear | Male | French |
Berne | Bold As A Bear | Male/Female | French |
Bernice | Brings Victory | Female | French |
Bernie | From The Name Bernard | Male | French |
Benicio | Benevolent One | Spanish | |
Benita | Good Person | Female | Latin |
Benito | Blessed | Male | Italian |
Benjamin | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Benjy | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Bennett | Little Blessed One | Male/Female | Latin |
Benny | Son Of My Right Hand | Male | Hebrew |
Benson | Son Of Benjamin | Male | Hebrew |
Berdine | Bright Maiden | Female | Greek |
Berenice | Victorious | Female | English |
Berg | Mountain | Male | German |
Berit | Glorious, Intelligent | Female | German |
Berke | Birch Tree | Male | English |
Bern | Brave | Male/Female | French |
Bernadette | Brave As A Bear | Female | French |
Bernadine | From The Name Bernard | Female | French |
Bernard | Bold As A Bear | Male | French |
Berne | Bold As A Bear | Male/Female | French |
Bernice | Brings Victory | Female | French |
Bernie | From The Name Bernard | Male | French |
Berny | From The Name Bernard | Male | French |
Bert | Bright | Male | German |
Bertha | Bright | Female | German |
Bertille | Heroine | Female | French |
Beryl | Green Jewel | Female | Greek |
Bess | From The Name Elizabeth | Female | Hebrew |
Bessie | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Betelgeuse | Hunter's Shoulder | All Nationalities | |
Beth | From The Name Elizabeth | Female | Hebrew |
Betha | Life | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bethan | Consecrated To God | Female | Welsh |
Bethany | Life-Town Near Jerusalem | Female | Hebrew |
Bethesda | House Of Mercy | Female | Hebrew |
Betrys | From Beatrice | Female | Welsh |
Betsy | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Bette | Consecrated To God | Female | American |
Bettina | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Betty | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Beulah | Married | Female | Hebrew |
Bevan | Son Of Evan | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Beverly | Near The Meadow Of The Beavers | Female | English |
Bevis | Bowman | Male | English |
Beyla | By God! | Female | Slavic |
Beyonce | Beyond Others | Female | African-American |
Bian | Secretive | Female | Vietnamese |
Biana | Fair Skinned | Female | American |
Bianca | White, Fair Skinned | Female | Latin |
Bibiana | Lively | Female | Latin |
Bibiane | Lively | Female | French |
Bidelia | High One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bien | Ocean, Sea | Male | Vietnamese |
Bijan | Hero | Male | Persian |
Bikita | Anteater | Female | African |
Bill | From The Name William | Male | English |
Billie | Defender Of Justice | Male/Female | German |
Billy | From The Name William | Male | German |
Bin | From The Name Bingham | Male | English |
Bina | Freshness | Female | African |
Bing | Pet Form Of Bingham | Male | English |
Bingham | Town Of The Hollow | Male | English |
Binh | Vase, Jar | Male | Vietnamese |
Birch | Birch Tree | Male | English |
Bishop | A Bishop | Male | English |
Biton | Born After Long Wait | Male | African |
Bjorn | Bear | Male | Scandinavian |
Blade | Knife, Sword | Male | English |
Blaine | The Source Of A River | Male/Female | English |
Blair | Field Or Plain | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Blaise | Stammerer | Male/Female | French |
Blake | Pale | Male/Female | English |
Blanca | White | Female | Spanish |
Blanche | White | Female | French |
Blaze | A Flame | Male/Female | American |
Blenda | Dazzling Bright | Female | Latin |
Bliss | Perfect Joy | Female | English |
Blithe | Happy | Female | English |
Blodwyn | Flower | Female | Welsh |
Blondelle | Blonde | Female | French |
Blossom | Flower-Like | Female | English |
Blue | The Color | Male/Female | American |
Bluma | A Flower, Bloom | Female | Hebrew |
Blythe | Happy | Female | English |
Bo | Strong And Fast | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Boaz | Swift, Strong | Male | Hebrew |
Bob | Bright Fame | Male | English |
Bobby | Bright Fame | Male/Female | American |
Bona | Good | Female | Italian |
Bonaventure | Good Luck | Male | Latin |
Bond | To Bind | Male | English |
Bonifacy | Doer Of Good Deeds | Male | Polish |
Bonita | Pretty, Beautiful | Female | Spanish |
Bonner | Good Citizen | Male | American |
Bonnie | Pretty Girl | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bono | All Good | Male | American |
Booker | Book Maker | Male | English |
Boone | Good | Male | French |
Booth | Hut | Male | English |
Boris | Warrior | Male | Slavic |
Borka | Fighter | Male | Slavic |
Borna | Youthful | Male | Persian |
Bowen | Archer | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bowie | Yellow Haired | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Boyce | From The Woods | Male | German |
Boyd | Blonde | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bozica | Born At Christmas | Female | Slavic |
Brac | Free | Male | Welsh |
Bracha | A Blessing | Female | Hebrew |
Brad | Broad Meadow | Male | English |
Braden | Broad | Male | English |
Bradford | A Broad Ford | Male | English |
Bradley | A Broad Lea, Meadow | Male | English |
Brady | Broad Shouldered | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Braeden | From The Dark Valley | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Braima | Father Of Multitudes | Female | African |
Braith | Freckled | Female | Welsh |
Bran | From The Name Brand | Male | English |
Brand | Marked By Fire | Male | English |
Brandee | Brandy, After Dinner Drink | Female | Scandinavian |
Branden | Little Raven | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brandi | Warm And Comforting | Female | American |
Brandice | Combination Of Brandi And Candice | Female | American |
Brandie | Sweet Nectar | Female | American |
Brandon | Little Raven | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brandy | Warm And Comforting | Female | American |
Brant | From The Name Brand | Male | English |
Branxton | Unknown | Male/Female | English |
Brasen | God's Gift | Male/Female | American |
Brayden | Brave | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brayton | From Great Bitain | Male | English |
Brazil | Strife | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Breanna | Strong, Virtuous, Honorable | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Breckin | Freckled | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brede | The Glaciar | Male/Female | Polish |
Bree | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Breena | Fairy Land | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Breindel | Blessing | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Brencis | Crowned With Laurel | Male/Female | Slavic |
Brend | Little Raven | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brenda | Sword | Female | Scandinavian |
Brendan | Little Raven | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brendon | Little Raven | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brendy | Sword | Female | American |
Brenna | Little Raven | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brennan | Raven-Like | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brent | From High On The Hill | Male | English |
Brett | Briton, British | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brewster | One Who Brews Beer | Male | German |
Briallen | Primrose | Female | Welsh |
Brian | Strong One | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Briana | Fortitude And Strength | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brianna | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brianne | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Briar | Shrub Or Small Tree | Male/Female | English |
Brice | Son Of A Nobleman | Male | English |
Brick | From The Name Brice | Male | English |
Bridget | Strong | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bridgit | From The Name Bridget | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bridie | Strong | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brie | From No. Region Of France | Female | French |
Brielle | Exalted Goddess | Female | French |
Brendon | Little Raven | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brendy | Sword | Female | American |
Brenna | Little Raven | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brennan | Raven-Like | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brent | From High On The Hill | Male | English |
Brett | Briton, British | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brewster | One Who Brews Beer | Male | German |
Briallen | Primrose | Female | Welsh |
Brian | Strong One | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Briana | Fortitude And Strength | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brianna | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brianne | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Briar | Shrub Or Small Tree | Male/Female | English |
Brice | Son Of A Nobleman | Male | English |
Brick | From The Name Brice | Male | English |
Bridget | Strong | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bridgit | From The Name Bridget | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bridie | Strong | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brie | From No. Region Of France | Female | French |
Brielle | Exalted Goddess | Female | French |
Brier | Heather | Male | English |
Brigette | Strong | Female | French |
Brigham | Covered Bridge | Male | English |
Brighton | From The Bright Town | Male | English |
Brigid | Strong | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brigit | Strong | Female | Scandinavian |
Brigitte | From The Name Bridget | Female | French |
Brilane | From Brigham Lane | Male/Female | English |
Brilliant | To Sparkle | Male/Female | American |
Brina | Boundry Line | Female | Latin |
Brinda | Of The Basil Plant | Female | Hindi |
Brinley | Burnt Meadow | Male | English |
Brinly | Virtuous, Princess | Male/Female | English |
Brit | From The Name Britannia | Male/Female | English |
Brita | From The Name Brittania | Female | English |
Britain | From Great Britain | Male/Female | English |
Britannia | Great Britain | Female | English |
Britany | From Britain | Female | English |
Britney | From Great Britain | Female | English |
Brittania | From Brittain, British | Female | English |
Brittany | From Britain | Female | English |
Brittnee | From Britain | Female | English |
Brittney | From Britain | Female | English |
Brock | A Badger | Male | English |
Broderick | Brother | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brody | Brother | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Brogan | Sturdy And Strong | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bron | The Source | Male/Female | African |
Brone | Brown | Male | English |
Bronson | Son Of Brown | Male | English |
Bronwen | Dark, Pure | Female | Welsh |
Bronwyn | Dark, Pure | Female | Welsh |
Brook | Running Stream | Male/Female | English |
Brooke | Brook, Stream | Male/Female | English |
Brooklyn | Brook, Stream | Male/Female | English |
Brooks | Running Water | Male | English |
Brosh | Lips | Male | Armenian |
Bruce | Woods | Male | French |
Bruis | Mansion | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bruno | Brown One | Male | German |
Bryan | Strong One | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bryanne | Strong One | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bryant | Strong, Honorable | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bryce | Son Of A Nobleman | Male/Female | English |
Brygid | Strength | Female | Polish |
Brynn | Small Hill | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Bryony | Vine With Small Blossoms | Female | English |
Bryson | Grandson Of A Nobleman | Male | American |
Buck | Deer, Cowboy | Male | American |
Bud | Messenger, Friend | Male | American |
Buddy | Friend | Male | American |
Buffy | From The Name Bunny | Female | American |
Bunny | Little Rabbit | Female | American |
Burgess | Town Citizen | Male | German |
Burian | Near The Woods | Male | Slavic |
Burke | From The Fortress | Male | French |
Burt | Town Of The Fortress | Male | English |
Burton | Town Of The Fortress | Male | English |
Butch | Manly | Male/Female | American |
Buthainah | Soft Sand | Female | Arabic |
Butterfly | A Butterfly | Female | American |
Buzz | Village In The Woods | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Byrd | Like A Bird | Male | English |
Byron | Barn Or Cottage | Male | English |
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