Names starting with A
Friday, May 20, 2011
Baby Names starting with A
In this post you will find meaning of all names starting with A in alphabetical order. You will surely love the search feature implemented for your ease to search the names and meanings of baby names. You can easily search in all fields of baby names including origin, african-american names, american names, arabic names, italian names, latin names, greek names etc.
Name | Meanings | Gender | Origin |
Aadi | Beginning | Female | Hindi |
Aaliyah | Ascender | Female | Hebrew |
Aaralyn | With Song | Female | American |
Aaron | Enlightened; To Sing | Male | Hebrew |
Abba | Born On Thursday | Female | African |
Abbie | Father Of Joy | Female | Hebrew |
Abbott | Father | Male | Hebrew |
Abby | God Is Joy | Female | Hebrew |
Abdukrahman | Slave Of The Merciful God | Male | Arabic |
Abdulkareem | Slave Of The Generous God | Male | Arabic |
Abdullah | Slave Of God | Male | Arabic |
Abdulrahman | Slave Of The Merciful God | Male | Arabic |
Abe | Father Of A Multitude | Male | Hebrew |
Abel | A Breath | Male | Hebrew |
Abeni | Girl Prayed For | Female | African |
Abia | Great | Female | Arabic |
Abiba | Child Born After Grandmother Died | Female | African |
Abie | God Is Joy | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Abigail | God Is Joy | Female | Hebrew |
Abner | Father Of Light | Male | Hebrew |
Abra | Mother Of Many | Female | Hebrew |
Abraham | Father Of A Multitude | Male | Hebrew |
Abram | High Father | Male | Hebrew |
Abrianna | Mother Of Many Nations | Female | Hebrew |
Abrienda | Opening | Female | Spanish |
Abril | April | Female | Latin |
Absolom | My Father Is Peace | Male | Hebrew |
Abu | Father | Male | African |
Acacia | Thorny | Female | Greek |
Accalia | Mythical Greek Name | Female | Greek |
Ace | Unity, One | Male | Latin |
Acton | Oak Tree Settlement | Male | English |
Ada | Noble, Kind | Female | German |
Adah | Beautiful Addition | Female | Hebrew |
Adair | Noble, Exalted | Male/Female | English |
Adalia | God Is My Refuge, Noble | Female | German |
Adam | Mankind | Male | Hebrew |
Adamina | The Earth | Female | Hebrew |
Adamma | Beautiful Girl | Female | African |
Adara | Chaste One | Female | Arabic |
Addison | Son Of Adam | Male/Female | English |
Addo | King Of The Road | Female | African |
Ade | Crown, Royal | Male | African |
Adela | Noble And Serene | Female | German |
Adelaide | Noble, Kind | Female | German |
Adele | Noble, Kind | Female | German |
Adelie | Noble Meadow | Female | American |
Adeline | Noble, Kind | Female | French |
Adelio | Father Of The Noble Prince | Male | Spanish |
Adelle | Noble, Kind | Female | German |
Adem | Red Earth | Male | African |
Aden | Handsome, Adorned | Male | Hebrew |
Adeola | Crown Has Honor | Female | African |
Aderes | Cape | Female | Hebrew |
Aderyn | Bird | Female | Welsh |
Adia | Gift | Female | Swahili |
Adie | Noble, Kind | Female | German |
Adiel | Goat | Male | African |
Adila | Just, Fair | Female | African |
Adin | Beautiful, Adorned | Female | Hebrew |
Aelan | Flower | Female | Hawaiian |
Aelwen | Fair Brow | Female | Welsh |
Aerona | Berry | Female | Welsh |
Affrica | From Africa | Female | African-American |
Afia | Born On Friday | Female | African |
Afra | Female Deer | Female | English |
Afric | Pleasant | Female | African-American |
Africa | Pleasant | Male/Female | African-American |
Afton | From The Afton River | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Afya | Health | Female | African |
Agalia | Bright Joy | Female | Greek |
Agamemnon | Resolute | Male | Greek |
Agatha | Virtuous, Good | Female | Greek |
Aggie | Lamb | Female | Latin |
Aglaia | Brilliance | Female | Greek |
Agnes | Lamb | Female | Latin |
Agostino | Respectable | Male | Italian |
Agrata | Leader | Female | Hindi |
Ahava | Cherished One | Female | Hebrew |
Ahmad | Greatly Praised | Male | Arabic |
Ai | Love | Male | Japanese |
Aida | Helper | Female | Latin |
Aidan | Fiery | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aideen | Flame | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aiden | Fiery | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aiken | From The Oak Trees | Male/Female | English |
Aiko | Little Loved One | Female | Japanese |
Ailani | High Chief | Female | Hawaiian |
Aileen | Form Of Helen - Light | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ailis | Noble, Kind | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ailish | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Ailsa | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Aimee | Beloved Friend | Female | French |
Aimon | Homebody | Male | Spanish |
Aine | Joy, Ardent | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ainsley | My Own Meadow | Female | English |
Ainslie | My Own Meadow | Female | English |
Aira | Of The Wind | Female | American |
Airell | Nobelman | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Airlia | Ethereal | Female | Greek |
Aisha | Life | Female | Arabic |
Aislin | Dream | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aisling | Vision, Dream | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aislinn | A Dream | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aitana | Glory | Female | Portuguese |
Aizza | Life | Female | Hebrew |
Aja | Goat | Male/Female | Hindi |
Ajani | He Who Wins The Struggle | Male | African |
Ajax | Strong Warrior | Male | Greek |
Ajay | Victorious | Male | Hindi |
Akamu | Of The Red Earth | Male | Hawaiian |
Akia | First Born | Male/Female | African |
Akili | Wisdom | Male | Arabic |
Akio | Bright Boy | Male | Japanese |
Akiva | Protected | Female | Hebrew |
Akuji | Dead And Awake | Male | African |
Al | From The Name Albert | Male | German |
Alagan | Handsome | Male | Hindi |
Alain | Handsome | Male | French |
Alaina | Fair One | Female | French |
Alair | Cheerful/Merry | Male | English |
Alake | One To Be Honored | Male | African |
Alamea | Precious, Whole | Female | Hawaiian |
Alameda | Ambitious | Female | Latin |
Alan | Handsome | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Alana | Peaceful, Serene | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Alanna | Form Of Alana | Female | Slavic |
Alannis | From Atlanta | Female | Greek |
Alaric | He Who Rules | Male | German |
Alarice | All Ruler | Female | German |
Alastair | Protector Of Mankind | Male | English |
Alaula | Light Of Dawn | Female | Hawaiian |
Alaura | From Laura | Female | Latin |
Alawi | Descendant Of Ali | Male | Arabic |
Alayna | Var. Of Alaina - Fair One | Female | French |
Alba | White Hill | Female | Latin |
Alban | White Hill | Male | Latin |
Albany | White Hill | Female | Latin |
Albert | Noble, Bright | Male | German |
Alberta | Noble, Bright | Female | English |
Alberto | Form Of Albert | Male | Spanish |
Albin | White | Male | Polish |
Albina | White-Skinned | Female | Italian |
Alda | Long Lived | Female | Italian |
Aldan | Of Old Age | Male | English |
Alden | Of Old Age | Male | English |
Aldis | From The Old House | Male/Female | English |
Aldon | Of Old Age | Male | Polish |
Aldona | Old | Female | Polish |
Alec | Protector Of Men | Male | Greek |
Aleda | Small And Winged | Female | Latin |
Alegria | Happiness | Female | Spanish |
Alejandro | Protector Of Men | Male | Spanish |
Alem | World Leader | Male | African |
Alena | Light | Female | Slavic |
Aleron | Epaulet Worn By A Knight | Male/Female | French |
Alessa | Noble One | Female | Hebrew |
Aleta | Truthful One | Female | Greek |
Aletha | Truthful One | Female | Greek |
Alethea | Truthful One | Female | Greek |
Aletta | Winged One | Female | Spanish |
Alex | Protector Of Mankind | Male/Female | Greek |
Alexa | Protector Of Mankind | Female | Greek |
Alexander | Protector Of Mankind | Male | Greek |
Alexandra | Protector Of Mankind | Female | Greek |
Alexandria | Defender Of Mankind | Female | Greek |
Alexavier | Protector Of The New House | Male | American |
Alexia | Defender Of Mankind | Female | Greek |
Alexis | Protector Of Mankind | Male/Female | Greek |
Alfonso | Eager, Noble | Male | Italian |
Alfred | Counselor | Male | English |
Algernon | Bearded | Male | French |
Ali | Noble, Sublime | Male/Female | Arabic |
Alia | Noble, Descender | Female | Hebrew |
Alice | Truth, Noble | Female | Greek |
Alicia | Of Noble Birth | Female | English |
Alick | Protector Of Mankind | Male | All Nationalities |
Alida | Small, Winged | Female | Latin |
Alijah | The Lord Is My God | Male | Hebrew |
Alika | Truthful | Female | Hawaiian |
Alima | Strong | Female | Arabic |
Alina | Noble, Kind | Female | Slavic |
Alisa | Rational | Female | Greek |
Alisha | Truth, Noble | Female | Greek |
Alison | Of Noble Birth | Female | German |
Alissa | Truth, Noble | Female | Hebrew |
Aliya | Defender | Female | Hebrew |
Aliza | Joyful | Female | Hebrew |
Alize | Joyful | Female | Hebrew |
Alka | Young | Female | Hindi |
Allan | Handsome | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Allayna | Light | Female | American |
Allegra | Joy | Female | Spanish |
Allen | Fair, Handsome | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Allene | Attractive, Peaceful | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Allie | Of Noble Birth | Female | German |
Allison | Of Noble Birth | Female | German |
Ally | Of Noble Birth | Female | American |
Allyson | Of Noble Birth | Female | German |
Alma | Soul | Female | Latin |
Almira | Of Higher Birth Order | Female | Arabic |
Alodie | Wealthy | Female | English |
Aloha | Loving, Kind-Hearted | Female | Hawaiian |
Alohilani | Bright Sky | Female | Hawaiian |
Aloysius | A Warrior | Male | German |
Alpha | First Born | Female | Greek |
Alphonse | Eager, Noble | Male | German |
Alsatia | From Alsace-Loraine Area Of France | Female | French |
Alta | Tall And Lofty | Male/Female | Latin |
Altessa | Noble Reaper | Female | American |
Althea | Healer | Female | Greek |
Alton | Old Town | Male | English |
Alva | Fair Complected | Male/Female | Latin |
Alvaro | Extremely Cautious | Male | Spanish |
Alvin | Light Skinned | Male | German |
Alvis | Thor's Daughter | Female | Greek |
Alyn | Pretty | Female | American |
Alyson | Of Noble Birth, Kind | Female | German |
Alyssa | Rational | Female | Greek |
Amable | Lovable | Female | Latin |
Amadeus | Love Of God | Male | Latin |
Amadis | Love Of God | Female | Latin |
Amal | Pure | Male | Hindi |
Amalia | Hardworking | Female | Latin |
Amalie | Hard Worker | Female | Latin |
Aman | Trustworthy | Female | African |
Amanda | Worthy Of Love | Female | Latin |
Amandla | Power | Female | African |
Amani | Peace | Male/Female | African |
Amara | Eternal | Female | Greek |
Amaranta | Flower That Never Fades | Female | Latin |
Amarante | Flower That Never Fades | Female | Japanese |
Amaris | Promised By God | Female | Hebrew |
Amaryllis | Fresh Flower | Female | Greek |
Amaya | Night Rain | Female | Japanese |
Amber | Precious Jewel | Female | American |
Amberly | Ruler Of The Jewels | Female | American |
Ambrose | Immortal | Male | Greek |
Amelia | Industrious, Admiring | Female | Latin |
Amelie | Industrious, Admiring | Female | French |
Amena | Honest Woman | Female | Arabic |
Amergin | Poet | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
America | Land Of The Prince | Male/Female | Latin |
Americus | Royalty | Male/Female | Latin |
Ameya | Boundless | Male/Female | Hindi |
Ami | Friend | Female | French |
Amiel | God Of My People | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Amil | Worthy | Male | Hindi |
Amin | Trustworthy | Male | Persian |
Amina | Honest | Female | Arabic |
Aminia | Faithful | Female | African |
Amir | Proclaimed, Prince | Male | Hebrew |
Amiri | Prince | Male/Female | African |
Amish | Honest | Male | Hindi |
Amity | Friendship | Female | Latin |
Amma | Godlike | Female | Hindi |
Amor | Love | Male/Female | Spanish |
Amora | Love | Female | Spanish |
Amorina | Love | Female | Latin |
Amory | Loved One | Female | American |
Amos | Troubled | Male | Hebrew |
Amy | Beloved | Female | Latin |
An | Peace | Male/Female | Chinese |
Ana | Gracious | Female | Latin |
Anahid | Divine | Female | Armenian |
Anais | Graceful | Female | Hebrew |
Anakin | Warrior | Male | American |
Analiese | From Anna & Lisa | Female | German |
Analise | From Analiese | Female | German |
Analu | Manly | Male | Hawaiian |
Anana | Soft, Gentle | Female | African |
Ananda | Worthy Of Love | Female | African-American |
Anando | Bliss | Male | African |
Anastacia | Variant Of Anastasia-Reborn | Female | Greek |
Anastasia | Resurrection | Female | Greek |
Anatola | From The East | Female | Greek |
Anatole | From The East | Male | French |
Anaya | Look Up To God | Female | African |
Ancelin | Handmaid | Female | French |
Anchoret | Loved | Female | Welsh |
Ande | Pillar | Male | African |
Andeana | Leaving | Female | Spanish |
Andie | Courageous | Female | French |
Andra | Strong & Courageous | Female | Greek |
Andralyn | From Andrea & Lyn | Female | American |
Andre | Manly, Courageous | Male | French |
Andrea | Courageous | Male/Female | Greek |
Andreas | Strong & Manly | Male | Greek |
Andren | From The Town Of Ardres, France | Male/Female | English |
Andres | Manly, Courageous | Male | Spanish |
Andrew | Manly, Courageous | Male | Greek |
Andromeda | Rescued | Female | Greek |
Andy | Manly | Male | Greek |
Aneko | Older Sister | Female | Japanese |
Anemone | Breath | Female | Greek |
Angel | Angelic | Male/Female | Greek |
Angela | Angelic | Female | Latin |
Angelica | Angelic | Female | Latin |
Angelina | Little Angel | Female | Italian |
Angelique | Angelic | Female | French |
Angelito | Little Angel | Male | Spanish |
Angelo | Angel | Male | Latin |
Angie | Angel | Female | Latin |
Angus | Unique Strength | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ani | Very Beautiful | Female | Slavic |
Ania | Graciousness | Female | Slavic |
Anika | Gracious | Female | Scandinavian |
Anila | Children Of The Wind | Female | Hindi |
Anisa | Joy, Pleasure | Female | African |
Anise | Spice | Female | English |
Anita | Gracious | Female | Latin |
Anitra | Gracious | Female | American |
Anja | Grace Of God | Female | Russian |
Anjelita | Heavenly Messenger | Female | Spanish |
Ann | Gracious | Female | Hebrew |
Anna | Gracious | Female | Hebrew |
Annabel | Grace And Beauty | Female | French |
Annabella | Grace And Beauty | Female | Latin |
Annabelle | Grace And Beauty | Female | French |
Annalise | Gracious, Consecreted To God | Female | German |
Anne | Gracious | Female | Hebrew |
Anneke | Little Ann | Female | Scandinavian |
Anneliese | Consecrated And Gracious | Female | Greek |
Annelise | Gracious, Consecreted To God | Female | German |
Annette | Gracious | Female | French |
Annice | From Agnes | Female | English |
Annick | Gracious | Female | Russian |
Annie | Blessed With Grace | Female | Hebrew |
Annis | From Agnes | Female | English |
Annissa | Form Of Ann | Female | English |
Annona | Goddess Of The Harvest | Female | Latin |
Annora | With Honor | Female | German |
Annot | Light | Female | Hebrew |
Anoush | Sweet Disposition | Female | Armenian |
Ansel | Follows Nobility | Male | French |
Anson | Son Of Andrew | Male | English |
Anstice | One Who Will Rise Again | Female | Greek |
Anthea | Flowerlike | Female | Greek |
Anthony | Worthy Of Praise | Male | Greek |
Antoinette | Flourishing, Praiseworthy | Female | French |
Anton | Worthy Of Praise | Male | Slavic |
Antonia | Praiseworthy | Female | Greek |
Antonie | Feminine Form Of Anthony | Female | French |
Antonio | Worthy Of Praise | Male | Spanish |
Antony | Praiseworthy, Flourishing | Male | Latin |
Antranig | First Son | Male | Armenian |
Anwar | The Brightest | Male | African |
Anya | From The Name Anna | Female | Slavic |
Aoife | Life | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Aoko | Outside | Male/Female | African |
Aolani | Cloud From Heaven | Female | Hawaiian |
Aphrodite | Goddess Of Love | Female | Greek |
Apollo | God Of Truth And Light | Male | Greek |
Appollo | God Of The Sun | Male | Greek |
Apria | From The Apricot | Female | Latin |
April | Opening, 4Th Month | Female | Latin |
Apu | Unique | Male | Hindi |
Aqua | Of The Water | Female | Greek |
Aquarius | Tthe Water Bearer | Male/Female | Latin |
Aquila | Eagle | Male | Spanish |
Arabela | Beautiful Altar | Female | Italian |
Arabella | Beautiful Altar | Female | Italian |
Aracely | Heavenly Altar | Female | Latin |
Aradia | Goddess Of Witches | Female | Greek |
Aram | High, Exalted | Male | Armenian |
Arama | Of The Virgin Mary | Female | Spanish |
Aran | Forest | Male | Thai |
Arash | Hero | Male | Persian |
Arav | Peaceful | Male | Hindi |
Arawn | King Of The Otherworld | Male/Female | Welsh |
Arcelia | Treasure | Female | Spanish |
Arch | Bold, Bowman | Male | German |
Archana | Worshiping One | Male | Hindi |
Archer | Bowman | Male | English |
Archibald | Very Bold | Male | German |
Archie | From The Name Archibald | Male | German |
Ardara | Fort On The Hill | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Ardelis | Industrious | Female | Greek |
Ardelle | Warm | Female | Latin |
Arden | Thrilled And Excited | Male/Female | Latin |
Ardice | Flowering Field | Female | Hebrew |
Ardith | Flowering Field | Female | Hebrew |
Arella | Angel | Female | Hebrew |
Aren | Eagle, Ruler, Peace | Male/Female | Scandinavian |
Aretha | Virtuous | Female | Greek |
Argus | Vigilant And Alert | Male | Scandinavian |
Argyle | Diamond Pattern | Male | English |
Ari | Lion | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Aria | Melody | Female | Italian |
Ariabod | Tibe Leader | Male | Persian |
Ariadne | Holy | Female | Greek |
Ariana | Holy | Female | Greek |
Ariane | Holy | Female | French |
Arianna | Holy | Female | Greek |
Aric | Form Of Richard Or Eric | Male | Greek |
Arich | Unknown | Male/Female | Thai |
Aricin | King's Son | Male | Scandinavian |
Ariel | Lion Of God | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Ariella | Lion Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Arielle | Lion Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Arien | Enchanted | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Aries | The Ram | Male/Female | Latin |
Arif | Knowledgeable | Male | Arabic |
Arin | Enlightened | Female | Hebrew |
Arion | With Melody | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Arissa | Best | Female | Greek |
Arista | Best | Female | Greek |
Arkadiy | Bold | Male | Russian |
Arlais | From The Temple | Female | Welsh |
Arlen | Pledge | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Arlene | Pledge | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Arlo | Hill | Male | German |
Armand | Of The Army | Male | Latin |
Armande | From The Name Armand | Male | French |
Armando | From The Name Armand | Male | Latin |
Armani | Faith | Female | African |
Armelle | Princess | Female | French |
Armen | Armenian | Male | Armenian |
Armina | Noble | Female | Latin |
Arnaldo | Strong As An Eagle | Male | Spanish |
Arnaud | Ruler Of Eagles | Male | French |
Arnav | Ocean | Male | Hindi |
Arne | Eagle | Male | German |
Arnie | From The Name Arne Or Arnold | Male | American |
Arnold | Strong As An Eagle | Male | German |
Arnoldo | Strong As An Eagle | Male | Spanish |
Arnon | Stream, River | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Aron | To Sing | Male | Hebrew |
Art | Short Form Of Arthur | Male | American |
Artan | Little Bear | Male | Celtic/Gaelic |
Artaxiad | King's Name | Male | Armenian |
Artemas | Safe | Male | Greek |
Artemis | Goddess Of The Moon And Hunt | Male/Female | Greek |
Artemus | Of The Moon | Male/Female | Greek |
Arthur | A Follower Of Thor | Male | All Nationalities |
Artie | From The Name Arthur | Male | American |
Arty | From The Name Arthur | Male | American |
Arva | Fertile | Female | Latin |
Arvid | Eagle Tree | Male/Female | Polish |
Arvin | Friend To All | Male | German |
Arwen | Muse | Female | English |
Arya | Honored, Noble | Male/Female | Hindi |
Asa | Born At Dawn | Male/Female | Japanese |
Asabi | One Of Select Birth | Female | African |
Asasia | Form Of Acacia | Female | Greek |
Ash | From The Ash Tree | Male/Female | English |
Asha | Life | Female | Arabic |
Ashanti | African Tribe Name | Male/Female | Swahili |
Ashby | Ash Tree Farm | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Asher | Blessed, Happy | Male | Hebrew |
Ashleigh | From The Ash Tree | Female | English |
Ashley | From The Ash Tree | Male/Female | English |
Ashling | Dream, Vision | Male/Female | English |
Ashlyn | Roots: Ashley&Lyn | Female | English |
Asho | Pure Of Heart | Male | Persian |
Ashton | Ash Tree Settlement | Male/Female | English |
Ashtyn | From The Ash Tree Town | Female | English |
Asia | Resurrection | Female | Greek |
Asis | Sun | Female | African |
Aspasia | Lily | Female | Greek |
Arwen | Muse | Female | English |
Arya | Honored, Noble | Male/Female | Hindi |
Asa | Born At Dawn | Male/Female | Japanese |
Asabi | One Of Select Birth | Female | African |
Asasia | Form Of Acacia | Female | Greek |
Ash | From The Ash Tree | Male/Female | English |
Asha | Life | Female | Arabic |
Ashanti | African Tribe Name | Male/Female | Swahili |
Ashby | Ash Tree Farm | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Asher | Blessed, Happy | Male | Hebrew |
Ashleigh | From The Ash Tree | Female | English |
Ashley | From The Ash Tree | Male/Female | English |
Ashling | Dream, Vision | Male/Female | English |
Ashlyn | Roots: Ashley&Lyn | Female | English |
Asho | Pure Of Heart | Male | Persian |
Ashton | Ash Tree Settlement | Male/Female | English |
Ashtyn | From The Ash Tree Town | Female | English |
Asia | Resurrection | Female | Greek |
Asis | Sun | Female | African |
Aspasia | Lily | Female | Greek |
Aspen | The Aspen Tree | Male/Female | American |
Asta | Bright As A Star | Female | Latin |
Aster | Star | Female | English |
Astin | Starlike | Male/Female | French |
Astra | From The Stars | Female | Greek |
Astrid | Unusual Beauty And Strength | Female | Scandinavian |
Astro | Of The Stars | Male | Greek |
Atalanta | Mighty Huntress | Female | Greek |
Atalaya | Watch Tower | Female | Arabic |
Atalo | Youthful | Male | Greek |
Atara | Crown, Blessed | Female | Hebrew |
Ataret | Crown, Blessed | Female | Hebrew |
Athalia | God Is Exalted | Female | Hebrew |
Athena | Goddess Of Wisdom & War | Female | Greek |
Atira | Prayer | Female | Hebrew |
Atticus | Father-Like | Male | English |
Auberta | Noble, Bright | Female | Latin |
Aubrey | Noble, Bright | Male/Female | German |
Aubrianna | Noble, Strong One | Female | English |
Audi | Last Daughter | Female | African |
Audra | From Audrey | Female | French |
Audrey | Noble Strength | Female | English |
August | Revered, Exalted | Male | German |
Augusta | Venerable | Female | Latin |
Augustin | Revered, Exalted | Male | French |
Augustus | Revered, Exalted | Male | Latin |
Aulani | King's Messenger | Female | Hawaiian |
Aulii | Delicious | Male/Female | Hawaiian |
Aure | Soft Air, Breeze | Male/Female | French |
Aurelia | Golden | Female | Greek |
Aurora | Goddess Of The Dawn | Female | Greek |
Aurorette | From Aurora | Female | French |
Auryon | Hunyer | Female | American |
Austin | From The Name Augustin | Male | English |
Austine | Exalted | Female | Latin |
Autumn | Fall Season | Female | Latin |
Ava | Like A Bird | Female | Greek |
Avak | The First | Male | Armenian |
Avalbane | White Orchard | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Avalon | Island | Female | Latin |
Avani | Earth | Female | Hindi |
Avari | Of The Heavens,From The Sky | Female | American |
Avariella | Small, Strong Woman | Female | American |
Avarielle | Woman Of Strength | Female | American |
Ave | Hail (All Bow To) | Female | Latin |
Avedis | Brings Good News | Male | Armenian |
Avel | Breath | Male | Greek |
Aveline | Hazel | Female | French |
Avent | Born During Advent | Male | French |
Avery | Nobility | Male/Female | English |
Avi | Lord Of Mine | Male/Female | Latin |
Avian | Bird-Like | Female | French |
Avidan | God Is Just | Male | Hebrew |
Avinoam | Blessed Father | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Avis | Birds | Male/Female | Latin |
Avital | Father Of Dew | Male | Hebrew |
Aviv | Spring, Renewal | Male | Hebrew |
Aviva | Joyful Spring | Female | Hebrew |
Avon | The River | Male/Female | Welsh |
Avongara | To Tie | Female | African |
Avril | April | Female | French |
Awen | A Muse | Female | Welsh |
Awena | Seer | Female | Welsh |
Axel | Source Of All Life | Male | German |
Axelle | Source Of All Life | Female | French |
Axl | Source Of Life | German | |
Aya | Bird | Female | Hebrew |
Ayala | A Female Deer - (Doe) | Female | Hebrew |
Ayame | Iris | Female | Japanese |
Ayanna | Beautiful Flower | Female | African |
Ayla | The Oak Tree | Female | Hebrew |
Ayman | Holy, Right-Hand Worker | Male | Arabic |
Ayoka | One Who Causes Joy | Female | African |
Aysel | Moonlight | Female | Turkish |
Aysha | Life | Female | African |
Azana | Ultimate | Female | African |
Azhar | Famous | Male | Hindi |
Azia | From The East | Male/Female | American |
Aziza | Precious | Female | Egyptian |
Azize | Highly Valued | Male/Female | Swahili |
Azizi | Precious One | Male/Female | African |
Azra | Pure | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Azriel | God Is My Aid | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Azuka | Past Glory | Female | African |
Azura | Sky Blue | Female | Spanish |
Azure | Bluish Color | Male/Female | Latin |
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