Names starting with J
Friday, May 20, 2011
Baby Names starting with J
Name | Meanings | Gender | Origin |
Ja | Magnetic | Male | African |
Jabari | Fearless | Male | Swahili |
Jabilo | Medicine Man | Male | African |
Jabir | Comforter | Male | Arabic |
Jabulani | Happy | Male | African |
Jace | Moon-Var. Of Jacey | Male/Female | American |
Jacey | From The Initials J.C. | Male/Female | American |
Jacie | Variation Of Jace | Male/Female | American |
Jacinda | Beautiful, | Female | Greek |
Jacinta | Purple | Female | Spanish |
Jack | From The Name John | Male | English |
Jackie | From Jacqueline Or Jaclyn | Female | French |
Jackson | Son Of Jack | Male | English |
Jaclyn | To Protect | Female | French |
Jacob | Supplanter | Male | Hebrew |
Jacoba | Supplant | Female | Hebrew |
Jacqueline | To Protect | Female | French |
Jacques | From The Name Jacob | Male | French |
Jacqui | From Jacqueline Or Jaclyn | Female | French |
Jada | Wise | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jade | Green Gemstone | Male/Female | Spanish |
Jaden | God Has Heard | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jadon | God Has Heard | Male | Hebrew |
Jadyn | God Has Heard | Female | Hebrew |
Jadzia | Princess | Female | Polish |
Jaegar | Hunger | Male | German |
Jaeger | Hunter | Male | German |
Jael | Prominent | Female | Hebrew |
Jafari | Dignified | Male | Swahili |
Jafaru | Brook, Creek | Male | African |
Jag | The Universe | Male | Hindi |
Jagger | To Carry | Male | English |
Jagjiwan | Life | Male | Indian |
Jaguar | Large Spotted Feline | Male | English |
Jahzara | Blessed Princess | Female | African |
Jaiden | God has heard | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jaime | From The Name James | Male/Female | Spanish |
Jaimie | I Love | Male/Female | French |
Jaimin | I Love | Male/Female | French |
Jake | From The Name Jacob | Male | Hebrew |
Jalen | Bird Of Light | Male/Female | American |
Jalena | Light | Female | Slavic |
Jalene | From James And Lenore | Female | American |
Jalia | Noble | Female | American |
Jalil | Friend | Female | Arabic |
Jalila | Great | Female | Arabic |
Jam | A Sweet Condiment Or Musical Get-Together | Male/Female | American |
Jamal | Handsome | Male | Arabic |
Jamar | Handsome | Male | African-American |
James | Supplanter | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jamese | From James | Male/Female | English |
Jamie | From The Name James | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Jamil | Handsome | Male | Arabic |
Jamila | Beautiful | Female | Egyptian |
Jamison | James' Son | Male | English |
Jamuna | Holy River | Female | Hindi |
Jan | From The Name Janet | Male/Female | English |
Jana | God Is Gracious | Female | Slavic |
Janae | Form Of Janet | Female | Hebrew |
Jane | Gracious, Merciful | Female | English |
Janeeva | Juniper Berry | Female | American |
Janelle | God Is Gracious | Female | American |
Janet | God's Gracious Gift | Female | English |
Janette | God Is Gracious | Female | French |
Jania | God Is Gracious | Female | Polish |
Janice | God Is Gracious | Female | Hebrew |
Janina | Form Of Jane | Female | American |
Janine | From The Name Jane | Female | American |
Janna | God Is Gracious | Female | Slavic |
January | Born In January | Female | American |
Janus | God Of Beginnings | Male/Female | Latin |
Japheth | He Expands | Male | Hebrew |
Jara | Anc. Slavic For Spring | Female | Slavic |
Jarah | Sweetness | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jared | Down To Earth | Male | Hebrew |
Jariah | Tributary Lord | Female | African-American |
Jariath | Tributary Lord | Male | Hebrew |
Jaron | Singing | Male | Hebrew |
Jarrett | From The Name Jared | Male | Hebrew |
Jarvis | A Conqueror | Male | German |
Jase | From Jason | Male | American |
Jaser | Fearless | Male | Arabic |
Jasmin | A Flower In The Olive Family | Female | Persian |
Jasmine | A Flower In The Olive Family | Female | Persian |
Jason | Healer | Male | Greek |
Jasper | Semi-Precious Stone | Male | English |
Jatin | Saintly | Male | Hindi |
Jaunie | Brave And Kind | Female | American |
Javan | Son Of Japtheh | Male | Hebrew |
Javen | Son Of Japheth | Male | Hebrew |
Javier | New House | Male | Spanish |
Jaxon | Son Of Jack | Male | American |
Jay | A Bird In The Crow Family | Male | Latin |
Jayden | God Has Heard | Male | American |
Jayme | James | Male/Female | English |
Jazlynn | From Jasmine & Lynn | Female | American |
Jean | God Is Gracious | Male/Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Jean Baptiste | St. John The Baptist | Male | French |
Jeanette | God Is Gracious | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Jeanine | God Is Gracious | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Jeanne | From The Name Jane | Female | Celtic/Gaelic |
Jeb | Beloved Friend | Male | Hebrew |
Jebediah | Beloved Friend | Male | Hebrew |
Jed | Friend Of God | Male | Hebrew |
Jedidiah | Friend Of God | Male | Hebrew |
Jeevan | Life | Male | Indian |
Jeff | From The Name Jeffrey | Male | English |
Jefferson | Son Of Jeffrey | Male | English |
Jeffery | Gift Of Peace | Male | English |
Jeffrey | Gift Of Peace | Male | English |
Jela | Father Suffered During Birth | Male/Female | Swahili |
Jemima | A Dove | Female | Hebrew |
Jemma | A Dove | Female | English |
Jen | White Wave | Female | Welsh |
Jena | Paradise | Female | Arabic |
Jenaya | Trendy And Hip | Female | American |
Jendayi | Thankful | Female | Egyptian |
Jeneil | Champion Wave | Female | American |
Jeneva | White Wave | Female | American |
Jengo | One With Reddish Complexion | Male | African |
Jenibelle | Beautiful And Bright | Female | American |
Jenifer | White Wave | Female | Welsh |
Jenis | Genesis The Beginning | Female | Hebrew |
Jenn | Nickname For Jennifer | Female | American |
Jenna | Small Bird | Female | English |
Jennelle | From Jenny And Nell | Female | English |
Jennessa | From Jennifer And Vanessa | Female | English |
Jennica | Combination Of Jennifer And Jessica | Female | American |
Jennie | White Wave | Female | English |
Jennifer | White Wave | Female | Welsh |
Jennis | Wild Wave | Male/Female | American |
Jenny | From The Name Jennifer | Female | English |
Jens | God Is Gracious | Male | Hebrew |
Jensen | God Is Gracious | Male | Scandinavian |
Jenski | Coming Home | Male/Female | English |
Jera | Holy | Female | American |
Jered | From Jared | Male | Hebrew |
Jeremiah | Sent By God | Male | Hebrew |
Jeremy | God Will Uplift | Male | Hebrew |
Jereni | Peaceful | Female | Slavic |
Jeri | From The Name Geraldine | Female | French |
Jerica | Strong, A Gifted Ruler | Female | American |
Jericho | Moon City | Male | Arabic |
Jermaine | From Germany | Male/Female | French |
Jerod | Descendant | Male | Hebrew |
Jeroen | Holy Man | Male | Arabic |
Jerold | From The Name Gerald | Male | English |
Jerom | Holy Man | Male | Latin |
Jerome | Of Holy Name | Male | Latin |
Jerrell | From Gerald & Darrell | Male | English |
Jerrica | Honorable One Who Rules By The Spear | Female | American |
Jerrick | From Jericho | Male | Hebrew |
Jerrod | Down To Earth | Male | Hebrew |
Jerry | Holy | Male | Greek |
Jersey | From A Section Of England | Male/Female | English |
Jerusha | Inheritance | Female | Hebrew |
Jesimae | Wealthy And Bitter | Female | American |
Jeslyn | Blessed With Wealth And Beauty | Female | American |
Jess | Wealthy | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jessamine | Jasmine | Female | French |
Jesse | God Exists | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jessenia | Flower | Female | Arabic |
Jessica | Wealthy | Female | Hebrew |
Jessie | From The Name Jessica | Female | Hebrew |
Jesus | God Will Help | Male | Spanish |
Jethro | Outstanding, Excellent | Male | Hebrew |
Jett | Jet Black Gem | Male | English |
Jetta | Black Gem | Female | English |
Jevonte | Son Of Japtheh | Male | African-American |
Jewel | Joy | Female | French |
Jewell | Precious Gem | Female | French |
Jezebel | Impure | Female | Hebrew |
Jia Li | Good And Beautiful | Female | Chinese |
Jie | Pure | Male/Female | Chinese |
Jihan | Of The World | Male | Arabic |
Jill | Girl/Sweetheart | Female | English |
Jillian | Youthful | Female | Latin |
Jim | From The Name James | Male | Hebrew |
Jimbo | Nickname For James | Male | American |
Jimmy | From The Name James | Male | American |
Jin | Tenderness | Female | Japanese |
Jinelle | From Guinevere- Fair | Female | Welsh |
Jira | Related By Blood | Female | African |
Jirair | Hard-Working | Male | Armenian |
Jiro | The Second Male | Male | Japanese |
Jo | Nickname For Names Starting With Jo | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Joachim | God Will Establish | Male | Hebrew |
Joan | From The Name Joanne | Female | Hebrew |
Joann | From The Name Joanne | Female | English |
Joanna | From The Name Joanne | Female | English |
Joanne | God Is Gracious | Female | English |
Joaquin | God Will Establish | Male | Spanish |
Job | Afflicted One | Male | Hebrew |
Jocasta | Cheerful | Female | Greek |
Jocelin | Supplanter | Female | French |
Jocelyn | Light Hearted | Female | Latin |
Jock | Short Form Of Jacob Or John | Male | American |
Jodi | From Johanna | Female | American |
Jodie | Grace Of God | Female | Hebrew |
Jody | Short For Joseph | Male | American |
Joe | From The Name Joseph | Male | Hebrew |
Joel | God Is Willing | Male | Hebrew |
Joella | Lord Is Willing | Female | Hebrew |
Joelle | God Is Willing | Female | French |
Joey | From The Name Joseph | Male | Hebrew |
Johanna | God Is Gracious | Female | German |
Johari | Jewel | Female | African |
John | God Is Gracious, Merciful | Male | Hebrew |
Johnathan | Gift Of God | Male | Hebrew |
Johnavon | River Consecrated To God | Male | American |
Johnda | God Is Gracious | Female | Hebrew |
Johnna | Consecrated To God | Female | Hebrew |
Johnny | From The Name John | Male | Hebrew |
Johnson | Son Of John | Male | English |
Joie | Joy | Female | French |
Jola | Pretty | Female | Greek |
Jolene | She Will Increase | Female | English |
Jolie | Pretty | Female | French |
Jon | God Is Gracious | Male | Hebrew |
Jonah | A Dove | Male | Hebrew |
Jonas | Accomplishing | Male | Hebrew |
Jonathan | Gift Of God | Male | Hebrew |
Jonathon | Gift Of God | Male | Hebrew |
Jonco | God Is Gracious | Male | Slavic |
Jonny | From The Name John | Male | Hebrew |
Jordan | Descendant | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jordana | Descending | Female | Hebrew |
Jordane | Descendant | Female | French |
Jorge | From The Name George | Male | Spanish |
Jorjanna | Lovable Country Child | Female | American |
Jorn | Vigilant Watchman | Male | German |
Jorryn | The One God Loves | Male/Female | American |
Jory | Descending | Male/Female | American |
Jose | From The Name Joseph | Male | Spanish |
Josef | God Will Increase | Male | Hebrew |
Joseph | God Will Increase | Male | Hebrew |
Josephine | God Will Increase | Female | French |
Josh | God Saves | Male | Hebrew |
Joshua | Jehovah Saves | Male | Hebrew |
Joshwa | God Saves | Male | Hebrew |
Josiah | Fire of the Lord | Male | Hebrew |
Josie | God Will Add | Female | American |
Josue | Form Of Joshua | Male | Spanish |
Jovan | Majestic | Male | Latin |
Jovanna | Majestic | Female | Latin |
Jovianne | Majestic | Female | Latin |
Jovita | Happy | Female | Latin |
Joy | Joy | Female | Latin |
Joyce | Merry | Female | Latin |
Joyceta | Little Joy | Female | Spanish |
Joylyn | Joyful One | Female | American |
Juan | From The Name John | Male | Spanish |
Juana | God Is Beneficent | Female | Hebrew |
Juandalynn | From Gwendolyn | Female | Spanish |
Juanita | Consecrated To God | Female | Spanish |
Jubal | Ram | Male | Hebrew |
Jud | Praised | Male | Hebrew |
Judah | Praised | Male | Hebrew |
Judd | Praised | Male | Hebrew |
Jude | One Who Is Praised | Male/Female | Hebrew |
Jumoke | Loved By Everyone | Male/Female | African |
Jun | Handsome | Male | Chinese |
June | Born In June | Female | Latin |
Junior | The Young, Child | Male | English |
Juniper | Juniper Berry | Female | Latin |
Junius | Youthful | Male | Latin |
Juno | Goddess Of Marriage & Childbirth | Male/Female | Greek |
Justice | Fairness | Male/Female | American |
Justin | Just Or True | Male | French |
Justine | Fairness | Female | Latin |
Justis | Fair Minded | Male/Female | American |
Justise | Just | Female | Latin |
Justus | Fairness, Justice | Male | American |
Jyotika | Light, Flame | Female | Hindi |
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